Total Score: 1
  1. gopinath.t1989 Deal M.P
    Hi Team,

    I have requested a redemption gift on 21th May 17 and second one on 26-July-17 . Almost 55 days(first request) completed but still no updated on redemption.

    Kindly redeem the gift redemption.

    We have made some many mails and threats w.r.t redemption but no response?

    Sorry , You need at least 100 posts to suggest home page deals or You have already suggested 5 deals in a day.

    Please enter reason for HPD suggestion.

    You can not recommend your own deal.

    HPD Recommendation (0) :
  2. gopinath.t1989 Deal M.P
  3. sayan25 Guest
    Same here bro more than two months past but didn't get
  4. Deal mafia Deal M.L.A
  5. stive Deal M.P
    same here when will we get our reward.
    this time you guys taking too much time to fulfill our reward.
    @Linode.z @Armegatron
  6. stive Deal M.P
    requested again for redemption few days ago @Linode.z
    please do action.