Total Score: 3
  1. DealGuru Deal Sen. Member
    Please provide delete post facility like edit post till 5 minutes so that if a deal is posted by a person and see it is duplicate. He should be able to delete it.

    Sorry , You need at least 100 posts to suggest home page deals or You have already suggested 5 deals in a day.

    Please enter reason for HPD suggestion.

    You can not recommend your own deal.

    HPD Recommendation (0) :
    dealkaro and Incognito like this.
  2. Incognito Deal Councilor
    Yes it will be helpful for us and also please provide title edit optin
    Gopinath1219 and Rajesh Agrawal like this.
  3. DealPrince Deal M.L.A
    @Linode.z ,in next forum update pls include the option of deletion of post by users itself.Hope u will look into this query.
    Thanks @DealGuru for raising the issue :thumbup: